1. The Atmosphere
We have a lot of honest, diligent and talented researchers and students who welcome friends from all over the world. We develop ourselves by learning from each other and give constructive and useful opinions in order to promote world peace and personal dignity.
We are happy to affirm links of friendship, fostering trust and respect for each other like one of our own family members, supporting each other when in predicaments.
2. Trinity of Goodwill, Philosophy and Courage
“Impartial Goodwill,” given toward everyone all over the world; “Conscientious Philosophy,” to be integrated to live harmoniously with all beings in the natural world; and “Faithful Courage” not to give in to the unjust and arbitrary structure of society. With these three things, can we attain a complete relaxation of our soul.
This is also alluded in the Analects, "At seventy, I could follow what my heart desired, without transgressing what was right." The Buddhist Priest Ikkyu also said, “Do good, do not evil and then you can purify your heart and soul.” * Confucius said," The way of the true gentleman is threefold, but I am not equal to it. Virtuous, he is free from anxieties; wise, he is free from perplexities; bold, he is free from fear.”
We, the members of our center, will abide by these principles and realize the goals of “self-development and self-internship”. At the same time, we truly hope to share our philosophy with a diverse and dynamic global audience.
* Impartial love will lead you into peace. Charity begins at home, but should not end there. Why should God reward you if you love only those who love you? Everyone is doing that.
3. Our Goal
Sciences with Con-Science
Since the Industrial Revolution, we tend to think of the natural science as the best thing for the benefit of human society and make little of academic research for improving human nature or humanity. However, natural science is just a recognition or knowledge of that which is thought at a given point in time. It cannot be eternal truth. It will be incessantly “rewritten,” by the turning of the wheel of time and the improvement of instrumentation.
What was right yesterday may be cast out today as something that is wrong. This is the very “nature” of natural science. It can be said that natural science is just one of several necessary conditions for the realization of world peace and personal dignity but is not a necessary and sufficient condition in and of itself.
In the Seventeen-Article Constitution authored by Prince Shōtoku in 604, he said, “Let us control ourselves and not be resentful when others disagree with us, for all men have hearts and each heart has its own leanings. The right of others is our wrong, and our right is their wrong. We are not unquestionably sages, nor are they unquestionably fools. Both of us are simply ordinary men. How can anyone lay down a rule by which to distinguish right from wrong?”
*Know thyself. (The Ancient Greek aphorism for “The more ignorant, the more arrogant”, Apollo’s Apology)
*I know that I know nothing. (Socrates) *Confucius said, "I do not complain against heaven, I do not accuse man. I learn from the basic and comprehend what is complex.”
*Counting himself last in everything and putting others before him. Watching well, listening closely, understanding and appreciating. [by Kenji Miyazawa]
Since the industrial revolution, many people of the industrialized countries and a small number of people in developing countries have been enjoying their “overly convenient” lives. It is rather ironic that we used up the oil gifted by extinct dinosaurs, which expedited our science and technology and as a result ended up revealing the “ugliness” of it.
It is a well-known fact that there are problems that threaten even our existence, such as climate change, air pollution, and environmental contamination. It should be seen as a serious warning that the unprecedented disaster caused this March 11 by the accidents at the nuclear power plants in Japan has not been yet solved. The dinosaurs may have been eliminated by natural selection but we, human beings, may eliminate our mother earth from the universe.
We can see that science and technology is not sufficient to achieve and sustain world peace and personal dignity in a global society. What is worrying us much more is that insects and animals familiar to us cannot be easily seen nowadays. As the Japanese saying goes, we are not aware of us becoming “beings derided even by insects.” In the same way, we may not be aware that we have already lost something irreplaceable.
Emperor’s Clothes & Little Match Girl
Since we first appeared on earth, we went through a series of natural disasters, wars and human-made disasters, but we are still here. Is it not because we have not lost this courage and compassion which means that we should appreciate the true pleasure of respecting and supporting each other. Prince Shotoku deeply believed in the words Confucius had taught, which were “Harmony should be valued and quarrels should be avoided. Everyone has his biases, and few men are far-sighted.”
We need this trinity above in order to build and protect a peaceful world of diverse harmony and mutual respect. If we lose courage and compassion, we may end up repeating the folly of the “Emperor’s Clothes or its Chinese equivalent such as ‘Calling a deer a horse’.” In this case, “natural” science may become “unnatural” science destroying nature and eliminating human beings.
Our members appreciate this philosophy, develop ourselves and try not to lose the “compassion and courage.” We contribute to society by leading younger students and supporting each other, while benefiting others impartially and equally. We practice what we believe and preach so that we can awaken sympathy of in people. We are determined to protect a “virtuous cycle,” and not to exacerbate a “vicious cycle” of human race.
The more ignorant, the more arrogant. The more intelligent, the more grateful.
* Will we gain anything if we win the whole world but lose our own conscience? Not Even King Solomon with all his wealth had clothes as beautiful as one of these wild flowers which are here today, gone tomorrow and burned up in the oven.
* If there are sick children in the East, going there and nurse them.
If there is an exhausted mother in the West, going there and helping her with the sheaves of rice
If there is a man near death in the South, going there and telling him that there is nothing to fear.
If there is a quarrel or a dispute in the North, going there and letting them realize that there is nothing worth fighting over
When there is drought, shedding tears of sympathy
When the summer is cold, wandering upset not knowing what to do
Thought of by all as a nobody
Neither praised, nor neglected by anyone
That is the kind of person I hope to become
[by Kenji Miyazawa: Lotus Sutra]
* Yan Yuan asked about perfect virtue. Confucius said:"To discipline yourself to act according to your conscience is perfect virtue. If such self-discipline is practiced every day and by many, the society would be on the correct path. The practice of perfect virtue starts from yourself and not from others." Yan Yuan said:"Although I am not smart, but I will act in accordance to these teachings."
* Salt & Light:
You are like salt and you can discipline yourself to be of benefit to others. You are also like light shining before people that they can see good things you do.